Dark spots on the skin can be a frustrating problem, but there are several natural remedies that can help you reduce or eliminate them. In this article, we will explore the causes of dark spots and introduce you to some effective natural remedies, including a surprising ingredient: snail slime.
Skin spots can be caused by factors such as excessive sun exposure, ageing, acne scars and hyperpigmentation. To deal with this problem, it is essential to understand the causes and adopt safe and effective natural remedies.
Whether you are looking for a natural treatment for dark spots or wish to prevent their occurrence, explore the causes and remedies presented in this article to regain a more even and radiant looking skin.
Skin spots: causes and remedies
Particularly after the summer, you may notice the appearance of dark spots on your skin, localised mainly on the face, but also on the back, décolleté and hands.
These are hyperpigmented areas of the skin that, exposure to the sun, are accentuated until they become spots that are perfectly distinguishable from the rest of the complexion.
It is a purely aesthetic problem and, as such it can be addressed and resolved with dedicated products and prevention. In some cases, however, this blemish can cause so much discomfort that it is necessary to intervene with outpatient treatments, such as laser therapy, especially if the spots are particularly dark and extensive.
Dark skin blemishes affect women more than men, and the phototype you belong to also counts: people with a particularly fair complexion or those with freckles and ephelides are more predisposed.
This is also influenced by the passing of time, as skin dyschromia mainly appears after the age of 40 and increases as menopause approaches. With ageing, in fact, the skin gradually loses its defences and the natural barrier represented by an even distribution of melanin.
In some places, especially on the face (i.e around the lips, cheekbones and forehead), this is more concentrated, and so it is here that spots appear more frequently and look more pronounced.
Skin dark spots can be of a different nature and can be distinguished between hypermelanosis (i.e. an increase in melanin in specific areas), or hypomelanosis, where this is less concentrated and therefore pigmentation is lighter than in the rest of the skin.
Diet also contributes to the formation of dermal dyschromia, in particular foods containing carotenoids, such as tomatoes and carrots, which localise on the epidermis in the immediately sub-cutaneous layer.
Causes of dark spots on the skin: the sun and environmental factors
As mentioned above, dark spots on the skin appear mainly due to prolonged exposure to the sun, without proper protection and in the middle hours of the day (from 11am to 4pm).
The same concept applies to repeated exposure to tanning lamps, which stimulates the production of melanin necessary to provide pigmentation to our skin.
Some evironmental factors can therefore influence the early appearance of these spots. This happens, for example, when using waxing and cosmetics that cause irritation and create the so-called post-inflammatory spots.
The problems can occur folloowing to the application of unsuitable or dermatologically unsafe perfumes and creams.
Intake of drugs
Hyperpigmentation may also depend on taking certain medications, especially the contraceptive pill, which contains hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone that react to sunlight.
Birth control pills are among the best known, but diuretics, antihistamines, antifungals and antibiotics can also cause dark skin spots.
Hormonal imbalances
As in the case of the contraceptive pill containing hormones, physiological imbalances at the endocrinological level can also lead to skin dyschromia.
This is why women are more susceptible than men, as they go through certain phases of life, such as pregnancies, that can lead to this blemish.
They are also affected during the climacteric period, i.e. shortly before the onset of menopause. These dark spots are called chloasma, while those that appear during gestation are called melasma. During these particular periods melanin seems to no longer behave as usual and is affected by these significant internal changes.
Skin ageing
Dark spots on the skin are also one of the signs of ageing, regardless of other causes. As the skin ages, it can become unevenly coloured due to an increase in free radicals.
Smoking habits, an unbalanced diet, taking certain medications, as just said, and alcohol abuse also contribute to this discomfort. The formation of melanin undergoes strong imbalances, sometimes causing widespread and pronounced spots.
Acne and stress
Skin spots can also be the consequence of an infection or an inflammation, as in the case of acne. Crushing pimples is never a good idea, as they may disappear leaving dark spots. The same goes for accumulated and badly managed stress, which can also affects the metabolism and the elimination of toxins produced by the body.
A burdened and stressed liver can cause the release of toxic substances that are at the root of the formation of skin spots.
Read also: Skin spots: how to lighten them with natural remedies
Remedies for skin spots
To prevent the appearance of spots, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and, above all, to use a high-protection sun cream according to your phototype.
In other words, it is necessary to add to the natural melanin barrier also the artificial one represented by safe products able to screen out the sun's rays that does not only cause skin spots but also wrinkles and dry, reddened skin.
You should try your best to lower the stress levels that characterise your daily life. Look for ways to relieve tension, go for walks in the fresh air, take up a sporting activity that stimulates the secretion of endorphins, commonly called, the 'happy hormone'.
Combine this with a healthy diet without overindulging in processed and fatty foods, fried foods and industrial products whose ingredients are known to be unhealthy. The body needs to be kept in perfect working order, without burdening the liver and kidneys, which are the organs responsible for purifying it. Eating healthy also corresponds to external beauty and form.
For women about to go through the menopause, a replacement therapy is recommended, as well as an aesthetic medica treatment, which can painlessly remove spots that are impossible to be removed with creams and other skin-applied products.
For skin ageing, the watchword is prevention not only by means of sunscreens to be used during all seasons (not only in the summer!) but also anti-ageing and regenerating snail slime cosmetics.
Snail slime against skin spots
Known for its regenerative properties, snail slime is is an amazing ingredient that can contribute to reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin and other signs of ageing, such as deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes.
It contains nutrients such as glycolic acid, allantoin and proteins, which can help stimulate skin cell regeneration, improving skin radiance and reducing hyperpigmentation.
Remember that results may vary from person to person, and that it is important to use products containing snail slime from reliable, quality sources.
Specifically, here are some of the benefits of snail slime in combating skin blemishes:
- Cell regeneration: snail slime is rich in nutrients such as allantoin and proteins, which promote the regeneration of damaged skin cells. This regenerating action can help reduce the appearance of skin blemishes by encouraging the formation of new, healthier cells.
- Antioxidant action: snail slime contains natural antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin C, which help combat oxidative stress and free radical damage to the skin. This antioxidant action can help reduce inflammation and prevent skin blemishes from worsening.
Moisturising and nourishing: snail slime is known for its moisturising and nourishing properties. It can penetrate deep into the skin, providing hydration and nutrients essential for healthy skin. A well-hydrated skin can appear healthier and more radiant, hence making skin blemishes less visible..
Improved skin texture: due to the high content of the natural exfoliant glycolic acid, regular use of products containing snail slime can help improve skin texture, making it smoother and more even. This can help reduce the appearance of skin blemishes and achieve a smoother-looking skin.
Remember that results may vary from person to person, and ithat it is important to use snial slime products from reliable, quality sources, such as Nuvò Cosmetic.
Our cosmetic products are rich in hand-extracted snail slime (an ethical method that allows us not to harm the animal),100% Made in Italy and certified. Click here to discover them all!